Saturday, January 25, 2025

Monthly Archives: December, 2017

Do this Every Day so that you can Manifest a Phenomenal 2018

We each wake up every morning with exactly £86,400 in our energy bank account. Meaning we each have 86,400 seconds in our day and...

New Years Resolutions That Are Actually Healthy

It’s that time of year again when people make promises to themselves to drastically change something about their life. Mostly for the better, sometimes...

A Mindful Approach to New Year Resolutions

With Christmas done and dusted, it's time to turn our attention to the impending new year... and those dreaded resolutions! After the indulgence of the...

Please do not Detox in January Until you have Read This

Detoxing is not always easy, particulalry the first time. Read how Dean relied on his willpower to get him through. But the results were more than worth it.

Overcoming the January Blues

A time of year that can be really tough for some people, Caroline gives us some suggestions for getting through it.

How to Keep your Mental Happiness Topped-up

Read this guide from Nici on what the signs are that you need to top-up your mental happiness and how to do it.


Ian talks about where to find the “Free” in a society, seemingly bent on charging for everything.

Say No to Materialism this Christmas

At Christmas time, it’s natural to want to spoil those we love and, if we’re being totally honest, ourselves as well. Retailers spend weeks...

Do This to Not Gain Weight During the Festive Period

It’s that time of year where we celebrate and overindulge more than any other time of the year. The office parties, the family get-togethers,...

Different Perspectives – Why Do We Celebrate Christmas?

This is perhaps the perfect article to read on Christmas Eve. Read how Alessandro realised his true meaning of the special day. Happy Christmas Everyone!

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